Don’t Allow the Negativity From A Few Group of People, Allow You To Dislike The Whole World

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

I think many believers can relate to this.

One of my issues with being a believer in Yeshua is the fact that I question the fact that he allows this world to continue going on. I look at things going on in my real life, on the news, and on the internet and I’m disheartened and disgusted. Admittedly I have asked Yeshua the following, “Lord, why did you die for this world? It wasn’t worth it.” “Why do you and The Father deal with this mess?” “Why don’t you just get rid of this world now and just move on?”

I don’t think Yeshua is too appreciative of me asking those questions, because every time I do, receive a very swift and blunt response:

Not the answer I was hoping to get, but I grateful for the response. Although it’s hard, I’m going to try to focus on the good, and try my best to add more good to this world. I hope you are able to do the same.

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