Holding Each Other Accountable Spiritually

As believers, it seems as if we don’t hold each other accountable, when it comes to things that uphold us spiritually. It’s interesting because, when it comes to other things such as someone not paying a bill or someone eating something unhealthy. We are quick to make a big deal about it and attempt to force the person to do the right thing. We should have the same attitude towards situations that concerns our spirit in Yeshua.

For example, say a fellow believer calls me just for a friendly chat. During our conversation, I ask them,

“Did you read your bible today?”,

“Uh… No.” Friend replied. 

“How come? You know you need to read the bible every day.”

“I had a busy day. I just didn’t have time”.

I go on and explain the importance of setting time aside to read the bible every day. It may seem like I’m judging them, but actually I’m holding them accountable to make sure they keep their spirituality up-to-par.

We are not individuals when it comes to being believers in Yeshua. We are all are one and with that, we should make sure that no one falls far from grace. We should uplift each other, so we all be deemed good in Yeshua’s eyes.

Image by Bob Dmyt

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