Playing in Yahweh’s Face

For some of us, there isn’t concern about us playing in Yahweh’s face. Some of us believers play in his face every day. We play in his face by making promises to him that we know we won’t keep. We play in his face by doing things that we know he disowns. Yahweh has a calling for some of us, but we tell him, “Nah, I’m good” or “Yah, I’ll do what you want me to do, after I save up enough money.” After we save money, we still don’t do what he asked us to.

All he wants is for us to be real, loyal, honest, and obedient. Some of us make a circus out of the relationship we have with Yahweh. Some of us showboat, bragging loudly about the blessings he gave upon us. We don’t even use those blessings to bless others as we said we would.

We should take heed to the saying, God sits high, but looks low. Which comes from,

Yahweh sees all, so we aren’t getting away with anything.

Yahweh is slow to anger, but look around you, time is running out, and Yahweh patience is coming to an end as well. If you are playing in his face, he knows it. Please stop and repent from your fakeness. Moving forward, try hard to be obedient and do what you said you will do.

Clouds Image by Myriams-Fotos

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